Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Today is PT tomorrow is ...

Today is another appointment with PT. I have been seeing a podiatrist for my plantar faciitis. Yea, what fun. The first time that I had had any issues with that was right after chemo. Wow! My feet hurt quite a bit. Over the past year, I have had quite a bit of foot pain and going to the fitness center was really not helping at all. Being on my feet and the treadmill was not all that helpful. So, I had gone to my physiologist (this a doctor, that a doctor, here a doctor doctor) and he had recommended a brace. Oh, I tried that and it was just ridiculous. So, I asked for a referral and there ya go! Podiatry. What a thing. I have orthotics now and am at PT. Because of COVID, I have not been able to get to the fitness center as I would like and work out. Yea, working out at home is not ideal and it just does not happen. So, off to PT. I think the doctor just does not have a great inside view on things. As a cancer patient, I have seen some very interesting doctors--some that need to have their heads examined and others that should have never been allowed to be a doctor. I have had others that work poorly with patients and are best as researchers and teachers. We just get the best of somethings not ok.

So, off to PT today. I have several more weeks of PT and then ready for a new set of docs, I am sure. The clinics are opening up more but our Gov has been hesitant to open up the state all the way because there are "too many cases" of COVID. Amazing! He does not realize that things are going to be this way and it is called infection rate. Things will never be the same, I am afraid. My PCP's office is another that really has been frustrating to me as well.  All my appointments with providers were canceled at the beginning of the year and so getting back to the mainstream of appointments will take some time. This will be nice when things get back to something we recognize. 

I have been working a lot at the new job and a wee bit tired. 

Moving forward. Checking my list. Seeing who is naughty and nice.

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