Saturday, July 18, 2020

Speaking up

Yesterday, I had a conversation with the direction at the clinic. I have had some lingering questions about many things and I need to continue to press forward. So, yes, I did speak up and asked about matters. Since my Oncologist had told me about their survivorship, I have had a change of heart regarding how I look to the provider for direction. Too, when Naturopath used profanity with me, it changed matters altogether. What to do? Do I just continue to ask questions or what do I do? Yesterday morning I told the director that I was going to keep studying and continue to port out my care elsewhere. I no longer get labs done at the clinic as well as go elsewhere for my CT. Many things have happened at this clinic and I just want to be free to be seen, ask questions and to continue seeking answers to things that the doctors will not explain. When I was told that I had slipped through the cracks, I decided then to make a difference in my health and to study.

How do I conduct myself in the doctor-patient encounter? If I am quiet and removed, then they will diagnose and move along. I do not want to have any more diagnoses in my chart. The providers certainly do not ask questions about what is going on but are very quick to add things to the chart. I do not like that. Not one bit because it takes a lot to discuss things with them. I have experienced this twice before, with one that discharged me because I confronted them. It is upsetting to me and I have no idea how to move forward to avoid this from happening again.

How do I proceed? Why proceed? I really have lost my thoughts of generosity towards these men. How can they do this? Why are they doing this? I want direction and I did not get it from the clinic manager. While we discussed many issues, a conversation of about 30 minutes was not long enough. I hope that I was concise enough to say what I wanted. I had just finished a 13 hour shift and I was tired. I had emailed him in April of this year and he had not responded. He did apologize for not responding. Well, what is the purpose of sending an email only for it to be ignored? He did say, however, that he did look into it and sounded to be in favor of what the nurse had responded in my emails. Interesting, he had the emails in front of him.

This is bothering me for certain. I want some direction and I am hoping to get it. I have my appointment with the Naturopath in August and I would like to know how to move forward without risking another diagnosis in my chart.

We shall see.

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